Comprehensive Transportation Project List
To support its planning, programming and modeling efforts, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority maintains a database of transportation projects called the Comprehensive Transportation Project List, or CTPL. This database lists transportation projects for which jurisdictions and agencies are seeking federal or State funding.
The Authority has used the CTPL to create the required seven-year capital improvement program for the CMPs and to define the “universe of projects” used in the Countywide Comprehensive Transportation Plan. More recently, the Authority used the CTPL to support the decennial update of its travel demand model and the Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.
The database now contains over 1,200 projects in both Contra Costa and the Tri-Valley portions of Alameda County. The CTPL includes the location of the projects, the project type, project sponsor, a short description and costs and funding (where available). If you are staff of a project sponsor and would like a user name and password so you can make these edits, please contact Matt Kelly, Senior Transportation Planner, by phone at (925) 256-4730 or by email at The projects in the CTPL may also be viewed by using our interactive project viewer website.
The project viewer website contains nearly 1,100 projects in Contra Costa County. Project detail (funding, status, etc.) is available by clicking on any project in the map.