Corridor System Management Plans
As part of the passage of Proposition 1B in November 2006, the Corridor Mobility Improvement Account (CMIA) was created by the California Transportation Commission (CTC). The CTC requires Caltrans to develop Corridor System Management Plans (CSMPs) for highway corridors containing projects slated to receive CMIA funds. CSMPs are designed to identify ways to increase transportation options, improve system efficiency, and reduce congestion in some of the State’s most challenging travel corridors. In Contra Costa County, three CMIA-funded projects have spurred the generation of CSMPs: Caldecott Tunnel Forth Bore (SR-24), I-80 Integrated Corridor Mobility Project (I-80 West) and SR-4 East Widening Project (SR-4). CSMP fact sheets, executive summaries, and full reports are posted on Caltrans’ Corridor Mobility website, as they become available.