Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
As the Congestion Management Agency for Contra Costa, CCTA has always strived to provide the best travel network for its cyclists and pedestrians. To make these modes equitable, accessible, safe and enjoyable for all residents and visitors, CCTA recently updated the 2009 Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (CBPP) to harmonize local plans for bicycle and pedestrian networks, and to better understand where and how often people walk and cycle within Contra Costa.
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority has long encouraged walking and bicycling as a way to support our communities and our environment and as alternatives to driving alone. Supporting more walking and bicycling can improve the quality and vibrancy of our neighborhoods and business districts, extend the range and usefulness of public transit, reduce motor vehicle trips, and promote the health of our communities.
To support the creation of a safe, connected and convenient system of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, the Authority adopted its first Contra Costa Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (CBPP) in 2003 and updated it in 2009. On July 18, 2018, the Authority adopted its latest update, the 2018 CBPP. This update addresses changes in both local and State policy and focuses on making the CBPP a better tool for supporting walking and bicycling in Contra Costa.
The 2018 CBPP, which can be downloaded below, makes several key updates. It:
- Identifies Pedestrian Priority Areas where more people are expected to walk and where safety issues are most acute
- Redefines the Countywide Bikeway Network as a low-stress and connected system of facilities designed to serve all ages and abilities
- Updates the implementation chapter to new issues and concerns such as “vision zero”, docked and dockless bike share, assessing pedestrian needs, and establishing short- and long-term priorities
- Updates best practices for developing pedestrian and bicycle facilities