The full Authority Board meets once a month on the third Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Items appearing on the Authority Board agenda are advanced by one of two subcommittees: Administration & Projects Committee (APC) and Planning Committee (PC). The subcommittee agendas outline the detail of items to be reviewed and forwarded to the full Authority Board. All related materials and attachments can be found in the APC and PC agenda packets.
For additional information about the Authority’s Advisory Committees, please visit the Committees page.
Due to the potential that information exchanged by electronic media can deteriorate, be damaged, lost or modified, intentionally or otherwise, use of this Electronic data by anyone shall be at the sole risk of such user and without liability or legal exposure to the Authority. The recipient is responsible for verifying the accuracy of data against governing hard copy documentation. If there is a discrepancy between the hard copy and the electronic copy, the hard copy will govern.
All Authority Board and Committee meetings are held in-person with a hybrid component for public participation. A teleconferencing/video option is available for the public at Authority Board, Standing Committee, and Advisory Committee meetings. The teleconferencing information is provided on each agenda under the Teleconferencing Special Notice.
Public Comment for the Authority Board meetings can be provided by either submitting written public comments to Tarienne Grover via email at or verbally when called during an item while attending a meeting in-person, via teleconference, or via phone as per the instructions on the Agenda under the Teleconferencing Special Notice. We ask that in-person speakers, submit a Public Speaker Card to the Clerk. Written Public Comment received prior to the meeting will be provided to the Authority Board members prior to the start of the meeting and entered into the record. We ask that you state your first and last name, verify the item that you wish to speak on and then you will be allowed three minutes to address the Authority Board and/or Committee when your name is called.
Please refer to the Teleconferencing Special Notice on each meeting agenda for specific instructions on how to submit Public Comment requests to ensure they are sent timely to the Clerk for that Advisory Committee meeting.