Contra Costa Transportation Authority and Caltrans Seek Public Input to Address Express Lane Gap on I-680
Join the conversation to discuss solutions aimed to relieve congestion and reduce travel delays on a portion of northbound I-680
For Immediate Release
Friday, June 7, 2024
Contact Information
Lindy Johnson, Director of External Affairs
Contra Costa Transportation Authority
Issued By

Walnut Creek, CA – Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) officials are inviting the public to weigh-in on solutions to close the northbound I-680 express lane gap. CCTA is hosting an in-person meeting, Wednesday, June 5, 2024, from 6 pm to 8 pm at 2999 Oak Road, suite 110 in Walnut Creek. CCTA and Caltrans staff invite the public to learn about the project, why it’s needed and to comment on the draft Environmental Impact Report.
If you can’t make it in person, CCTA is hosting a virtual meeting on Thursday, June 6, 2024 from 6 pm to 8 pm. To join the conversation virtually call +1 669 444-9171 (passcode: 632866)
About the project
Caltrans, in partnership with CCTA, is proposing to complete the Interstate 680 (I-680) Northbound Express Lane Completion Project to address the existing express lanes gap, relieve congestion, reduce travel delays, and improve operations. The proposed project would construct a northbound express lane from Livorna Road to State Route 242 (SR-242) and convert the existing northbound High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane from SR-242 to north of Arthur Road near Martinez to an express lane – which means both HOV and single-occupancy drivers who pay a toll can use the lane. The proposed project has four alternatives requiring construction and one that does not.
You can also submit your comments anytime from May 8, 2024 through June 24, 2024 on the online comment form, or send them to Caltrans via USPS, email or by calling (925) 278-5978.
Caltrans, District 4
Office of Environmental Analysis
Attn: Lily Mu, Environmental Scientist
P.O. Box 23660, Mail Station 8B
Oakland, CA 94623-0660