Contra Costa Transportation Authority Partners with Brosamer & Wall to Protect Construction Workers from COVID-19 Exposure
Press Release Issued by CCTA
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
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WALNUT CREEK, CA – The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) today announced a new initiative that creates a partnership between the public and private sectors to keep construction workers safe and Contra Costa County residents moving. CCTA is teaming up with Brosamer & Wall — the contractor on the Interstate 680/Highway 4 Interchange Improvements project — to create a COVID-19 Safety Compliance Officer position hired specifically to protect workers from COVID-19 while on the job.

About The Contra Costa Transportation Authority
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) is a public agency formed by Contra Costa voters in 1988 to manage the county’s transportation sales tax program and oversee countywide transportation planning efforts. With a staff of twenty people managing a multi-billion-dollar suite of projects and programs, CCTA is responsible for planning, funding and delivering critical transportation infrastructure projects and programs that connect our communities, foster a strong economy, increase sustainability, and safely and efficiently get people where they need to go. CCTA also serves as the county’s designated Congestion Management Agency, responsible for putting programs in place to keep traffic levels manageable. More information about CCTA is available at
About Brosamer & Wall
Brosamer & Wall specializes in non-standard heavy and civil engineering projects requiring high-quality concrete placement, with extensive experience in flood control, water transfer and airport reconstruction. Company principals Robert G. Brosamer and Charles A. Wall have more than 80 years combined experience as contractors in the Western United States and have cultivated a company that builds exceptional quality, safety, and value into every project, every day. More information about Brosamer & Wall can be found at