Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Vacancies Now Open to Contra Costa Residents
Agency Announcement
Wednesday, January 13, 2020
Contact Information
Linsey Willis
Director, External Affairs
Contra Costa Transportation Authority
Issued By
The Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (CBPAC) of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) has two vacancies for at-large residents of Contra Costa, one familiar with issues facing youths and one familiar with issues facing people with disabilities and people older than 65 years of age. CBPAC Membership requires attendance of scheduled meetings on the fourth Monday every other month starting in January, at 11:00 am (typically up to two hours).
If you are a resident of Contra Costa County and interested in becoming one of these at-large members, please complete the application. Submission details and more information about the responsibilities of this committee are provided on the application. Deadline to submit is no later than 5pm on January 31, 2021.