Contra Costa Transportation Authority issues draft environmental impact report for the 2017 Countywide Transportation Plan
Press Release Issued by CCTA
Monday, June 19, 2017
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Walnut Creek, CA – As part of its work to update the Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP), the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) has released a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for public review. CCTA is required by voter-approved County Measure J to prepare and update a CTP, which provides the overall direction and a coordinated approach for achieving and maintaining a balanced and functional transportation system within the county, while strengthening links between land-use decisions and transportation. The public review period for the Draft EIR will remain open until 4:00 p.m. on August 1, 2017.
The 2017 CTP outlines CCTA’s vision for Contra Costa, and the goals, strategies and specific projects, programs, and other actions for achieving that vision. The projects and programs included in the CTP are comprised of a mix of highway, arterial, transit, operational, and non-motorized improvements. The 2017 CTP updates the prior CTP which was adopted in 2009. The accompanying Draft EIR is intended to inform decision makers, other agencies, stakeholders, and the general public of the potential environmental consequences associated with implementing the projects and programs in the CTP Long-Range Transportation Investment Program. The Draft EIR also identifies mitigation measures that would reduce or avoid those impacts.
The Draft EIR provides a program-level analysis of the environmental effects associated with CTP implementation through the year 2040. It includes information pertaining to the environmental setting, potential project impacts on the topics of transportation and circulation, air quality, greenhouse gases and climate change, agricultural, biological and cultural resources, geology and seismicity, hazardous materials, hydrology and water resources, land use, population and housing, noise, and visual resources. Alternatives to the CTP, and specifically to its Long-Range Transportation Investment Program, are also addressed.
The Draft EIR may be downloaded from the CCTA website at or may be viewed at the CCTA office at 2999 Oak Road, Suite 100, Walnut Creek CA 94597 during regular businesshours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday, with the exception of Tuesday, July 4, 2017 when the CCTA office will be closed.) The Draft EIR has also been made available to the public libraries in Contra Costa County.
Members of the public are invited to submit written comments on the Draft EIR. All comments received will be considered by CCTA prior to finalizing the EIR and making a decision on the CTP. In light of the EIR’s purpose to provide useful and accurate information about such factors, comments on the Draft EIR should focus on the sufficiency of the Draft EIR in discussing possible impacts on the physical environment, ways in which potential adverse effects might be minimized, and alternatives to the CTP.
Please send your comments before the August 1, 2017 4:00 p.m. deadline in writing to: Contra Costa Transportation Authority (Attn: Planning Section) 2999 Oak Road, Suite 100 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 or via e-mail to, with the subject line: “Comments on CCTA 2017 CTP Draft EIR.”
Comments on the 2017 CTP and the Draft EIR can also be made at the CCTA Planning Committee meeting, scheduled for July 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. and at the CCTA Board meeting, to be held on July 19, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Both meetings will be held at the CCTA Board Room, located at 2999 Oak Road, Suite 110, Walnut Creek, CA 94597.
Following the public review period, comments received will be addressed in a Response to Comments/Final EIR. The CCTA Board will consider a recommendation to certify the EIR and to approve the 2017 CTP at a future meeting that has not yet been scheduled
About The Contra Costa Transportation Authority
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) is a public agency formed by Contra Costa voters in 1988 to manage the county’s transportation sales tax program and oversee countywide transportation planning efforts. CCTA is responsible for planning, funding and delivering critical transportation infrastructure projects and programs that connect our communities, foster a strong economy, increase sustainability, and safely and efficiently get people where they need to go. CCTA also serves as the county’s designated Congestion Management Agency, responsible for putting programs in place to keep traffic levels manageable. More information about CCTA is available at