Countywide Transportation Plan

Planning for Tomorrow's Transportation

The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) is updating the Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP), including the identification of future transportation system improvements through multimodal planning, program, and project-related investments in Contra Costa County through 2050.

CCTA is conducting a Community Outreach Event Series designed to gather input from members of the public to help understand unique perspectives, ideas, and needs related to transportation to inform the CTP update. The series features an array of engaging community events in every city/town throughout the County to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive outreach effort that engages as many residents and visitors as possible.

The Plan
Silhouettes of various people on a blue background, including a person in a wheelchair, individuals walking, riding bikes, using a scooter, pushing a stroller, and carrying children.

We want to hear from you! Learn how to get involved.

Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP)

The CTP provides overall direction for achieving a balanced and functional transportation system in Contra Costa County and coordinating land use decisions with transportation needs. It outlines the countywide vision for the future and provides goals, measurable objectives for performance monitoring, strategies, projects, and actions to achieve that vision. CCTA is currently updating the CTP to best reflect our current transportation needs and priorities.

Share your thoughts! We invite you to take a survey on the guiding principles for the CTP and help us better understand the needs and opportunities for transportation in Contra Costa County. Individuals who complete the survey may enter a drawing to win a $100 virtual VISA gift card.

CTP Update Process and Timeline

The CTP will help identify how and where transportation investments in Contra Costa County should be prioritized. Community input will inform development of the CTP Update in addition to input from key stakeholders, advocacy groups, community-based organizations (CBOs), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). CCTA anticipates publishing the Draft CTP in early 2026 and taking the Final CTP to the Authority Board for adoption in mid-2026. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared concurrently with the CTP update for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

County Subregion Action Plans

In early 2023, CCTA facilitated the completion of the five subregional Action Plans (see map below), which will be integrated into the CTP update. The Action Plans are intended to reduce the impact of new development on the county transportation system in compliance with the Measure J Growth Management Program (GMP), which requires local cities/towns and the County to participate in a cooperative land use and transportation planning process.

View the CTP2050 Overall Work Program

To review the previously adopted 2017 CTP, visit the 2017 CTP page.

Map of Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) study area showing urbanized areas, regional transportation planning committee boundaries, and CCTA study area boundary.
(Click map to enlarge)

West County

Central County

East County



CTP Update Timeline

The CTP Update is anticipated to conclude by mid-2025.

Get Involved

If you want to help build our county’s mobility future, take the survey today!

To learn more about the outreach conducted in this first round of engagement, review our Outreach Summary. You can also view the presentation from the Lamorinda Area Public Workshop that took place on November 17, 2022.

You can stay involved by contacting email Matt Kelly, Senior Transportation Planner with CCTA. Future outreach events will be listed on this webpage and will be advertised throughout the community to increase engagement. We look forward to hearing from you again!

Measure J History

In 1988, Contra Costa County voters approved Measure C, a one-half percent sales tax that generated $1 billion in funding over 20 years. Measure C also included the Growth Management Program (GMP) that encouraged local jurisdictions to participate in a cooperative, multi-jurisdictional planning process, and, among other things, establish flexible traffic service standards for Regional Routes to reflect the varying urban, suburban, and rural settings in the county. In 2004, Measure J was passed by the voters of Contra Costa, extending the sales tax program and the GMP for another 25 years. CCTA, created to manage this program, allocates 18 percent of the sales tax revenue it receives to local jurisdictions that comply with Measure C and J requirements.  To receive these funds, each Contra Costa jurisdiction must, among other requirements, participate in an ongoing cooperative, multi-jurisdictional planning process. As a part of this process, Action Plans are developed and updated with input from local jurisdictions. The current process marks the fourth major update of the Action Plans.

For more info about this plan, contact:

Matt Kelly – Senior Transportation Planner
Contra Costa Transportation Authority

Silhouettes of various people on a blue background, including a person in a wheelchair, individuals walking, riding bikes, using a scooter, pushing a stroller, and carrying children.