Access For All Program
Creation of Program
The TNC Access for All Program was created by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) as a way to put Senate Bill 1376 into action. This bill requires the CPUC to establish a program relating to the accessibility of TNC (Transportation Network Company) services for persons with disabilities, including those who need a wheelchair-accessible vehicle (WAV).
Funding for the TNC Access for All Program comes from an access fee of $0.10 collected from each completed TNC trip originating in the State of California. TNCs may offset the fees due to the CPUC by the amounts they spend quarterly to improve wheelchair accessible service in each geographic area. Any fees remaining are distributed to Local Access Fund Administrators (LAFAs). The amount of funding distributed to each LAFA is the amount collected in each LAFA jurisdiction, minus the offsets. For Contra Costa County, fees are collected on all completed trips within the 19 cities/towns and unincorporated County.
On May 5, 2021, CCTA was approved by its Board to serve as the LAFA for Contra Costa County.