System Monitoring
As part of the its transportation planning and growth management responsibilities, the Authority periodically monitors the performance of the transportation system in Contra Costa. Two of the main efforts are the monitoring of the Multimodal Transportation Service Objectives (MTSOs) as part of updates of the Action Plan for Routes of Regional Significance and the Countywide Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) and the monitoring of level-of-service standards as part of the Authority’s biennial Congestion Management Program.
Multimodal Transportation Service Objectives
The Authority monitors the achievement of the objectives for Regional Routes established in the Action Plans and the CTP as part of the periodic update of those plans. The most recent monitoring of these objectives was conducted in 2013. The results are contained in the following reports below:
CMP Level-of-Service Standards
The Authority has monitored the achievement of the level-of-service standards established in the Authority’s Congestion Management Program since the first CMP in 1991. The results of the most recent CMP monitoring report are available for download.
Earlier reports can be reviewed at the Authority’s offices.