Automated Driving Systems

Part time transit lanes grey icon

Transit Lanes

Express Lane grey icon

Express Lane Completion

Shared Mobility grey icon

Mobility Hubs

Mobility as a service grey icon

Mobility as
a service

Driving Systems

Advanced Technology grey icon



automated driving systemsThe Automated Driving Systems (ADS) project is one of six projects that make up the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s (CCTA’s) INNOVATE 680 program. The program seeks to implement a carefully curated suite of projects that, when operating together, will address corridor-wide congestion, travel delays, and long-standing operational challenges along Interstate 680 (I-680). The Automated Driving Systems project will deliver greater mobility access and choices to transportation-challenged, underserved communities while preparing for the future of mobility for all corridor residents.

In 2019, CCTA was awarded a $7.5 million grant by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) to conduct three groundbreaking pilot projects. These pilot projects will address current mobility needs while advancing standards for automated driving systems in the U.S. by gathering essential data on performance and safety measures with CCTA’s partners at GoMentum Station.

Pilot Projects



Advance development of Automated Driving Systems

Advance development of Automated Driving Systems nationwide

Increase connectivity and accessibility for transportation-challenged communities

fact sheet improve travel time icon

Reduce traffic congestion and travel time

Promote environmental sustainability

Increase safety on our roads

Promote better health

Promote better health

Project Rossmore graphic

Project 1

Rossmoor Senior Community First Mile / Last Mile Shuttles
Walnut Creek, CA

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) can keep seniors active and connected; greatly improving their daily lives.1 The Rossmoor First Mile/Last Mile pilot project is a shared AV trial that will connect a Walnut Creek senior community with essential goods and services, providing greater transit accessibility and independence for the community’s residents. These shuttles will be slow-moving (less than 25 miles per hour) with an attendant on board. Data gathered during the pilot project will be used to expand safety performance measures nationwide.

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Project 2

County Hospital Accessible Transportation Shuttles
Martinez, CA

AVs can help people lead healthier lives. Each year, 3.6 million Americans miss medical appointments due to unreliable transportation.2 The County Hospital Accessible Transportation Shuttle pilot project aims to provide on-demand, wheelchair accessible AV shuttle service for people who don’t have reliable transportation to medical appointments and hospital services. The AV shuttle would operate at a maximum speed of 50 mph with an operator on board. The service is expected to result in fewer missed appointments, fewer emergency room visits, greater use of the hospital, and, thus, better health outcomes.

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Project 3

Personal Mobility on I-680 Corridor
San Ramon, CA

AVs can prevent traffic jams and reduce gas usage by 42%.3 The Personal Mobility pilot project will install necessary technologies along a two-mile stretch of I-680 to prepare for the future of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). This pilot project will allow testing of a range of AVs for safe integration onto the roadway alongside traditional vehicles. The project represents a first step in studying what kind of benefits result from AVs traveling up to 65 mph on major highways. Expected benefits include fewer accidents, less traffic, and greater efficiency of shared transport.

Part time transit lanes grey icon

Transit Lanes

Shared Mobility grey icon

Mobility Hubs

Driving Systems

Express Lane grey icon

Express Lane Completion

Mobility as a service grey icon

Mobility as
a service

Advanced Technology grey icon


For more info about this project, contact:

Jack Hall – Program Manager
Contra Costa Transportation Authority
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