Congestion Management

Besides being responsible for the Measure J Growth Management Program (GMP), the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) serves as the Congestion Management Agency (CMA) for Contra Costa County. As the CMA, the CCTA plays several roles: it prepares a Congestion Management Program (CMP) and updates it every two years, it adopts and updates a Priority Development Area (PDA) strategy, and it helps develops regional plans and allocates regional funding.


The CMP outlines a CMA’s strategies for managing the performance of the regional transportation within its county. Each CMP must contain several components:

  • Traffic level-of-service standards for State highways and principal arterials
  • Multi-modal performance measures to evaluate current and future system
  • A seven-year capital program of projects to maintain or improve the performance of the system or mitigate the regional impacts of land use projects
  • A program to analyze the impacts of land use decisions
  • A travel demand element that promotes transportation alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle

One of the key benefits of being a CMA is that it gives the county a “place at the table” in discussions with other counties and regional and State agencies and provides a cooperative process for allocating various transportation funds.

View the 2023 Final CMP

View the Full 2023 CMP with Appendices

The PDA Strategy

The PDA Strategy lays out the criteria for selecting projects that support Plan Bay Area, the regional transportation plan developed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, or MTC. PDAs are areas within existing communities that local city or county governments have identified and approved for future growth and the PDA Strategy outlines the policy the CCTA will use to support the development of PDAs in Contra Costa.

Download the 2017 Contra Costa PDA Strategy. The CCTA will report on the implementation of the PDA Strategy in April 2019.