Let's get there, together.

The Contra Costa Transportation Authority plans, funds, and implements innovative transit programs to improve lives and connect communities.

Upcoming Meetings

Podcast: On the Patio



CCTA’s PRESTO is a groundbreaking suite of mobility options that will pave the way for the future of transportation in the Bay Area. PRESTO currently offers shared autonomous vehicle services and will expand to include bike share, express bus service, and more, aiming to increase transit options for all.



In 2025, CCTA is updating the Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP) to advance sustainability, innovation, and equitable mobility solutions for Contra Costa’s future.

Traffic Stats

Most Congested Times of Day
Most Congested Day(s) of Week
AM Commute
PM Commute


Contra Costa Transportation Authority Achieves “AAA” Credit Rating

Contra Costa Transportation Authority Receives $1.6 Million to Improve Road Safety and Prevent Roadway Deaths and Serious Injuries

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