Bus Transit Coordinating Committee

The primary role of the Bus Transit Coordinating Committee (BTCC) is to oversee and make recommendations for the programming and expenditures of Measure J transit and express bus funds. The BTCC also provides a forum to consider countywide bus issues and inform the Ex-officio bus transit representative of those issues for informing the Authority Board.

Meeting Schedule

Meetings are held on the 1st or 2nd Monday of every quarter at 2:30 PM starting in March (March, June, September, December).

Meeting Location

Contra Costa Transportation Authority
2999 Oak Road, Suite 110
Walnut Creek, CA 94597


The BTCC is composed of staff of the four bus transit operators in Contra Costa County: Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (County Connection), East Contra Costa Transit Authority (Tri Delta Transit) and West Contra Costa Transit Authority (WestCAT). The bus operators are represented by an Ex-Officio Representative, who serves as the bus transit representative to the Contra Costa Transportation Authority. This Ex-Officio Representative rotates among the four bus operators to ensure regional representation. The BTCC also has two non-voting Ex-Officio Representatives: one representing the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) and one representing the Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA).

Committee Bylaws/Charter/Guidelines

Upcoming Meetings

Archived Meetings