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United States Department of Transportation National Infrastructure Project Assistance

Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant - Mega Program Application | NIPA-25-26-MEGA

This site was created to provide the USDOT with supplemental materials for evaluating Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s INNOVATE 680 Mega Grant Application.


  1. Benefit Cost Analysis
    1. BCA Narrative
    2. BCA Calculation
    3. BCA Attachments
      1. I-680 VMT Mitigation Effectiveness
      2. CDOT SMART 25 Performance Evaluation Report
      3. Managed Motorways Framework March 2017
      4. Shared Mobility Hubs Final Report
      5. Shared Mobility Hubs Final Report Appendices
  2. Required Forms
  3. Funding Commitments
  4. Letters of Support
    1. Assemblymember Tim Grayson
    2. CA State Senator Steve Glazer
    3. CA State Senator Bill Dodd
    4. US Congress Members (DeSaulnier, Garamendi, Harder, Swalwell, and Lee)
    5. Supervisor Candace Andersen
    6. Supervisor Federal Glover
    7. City of Concord
    8. City of Pleasant Hill
    9. City of San Ramon
    10. Town of Danville
    11. California Department of Transportation
    12. Metropolitan Transportation Commission
    13. County Connection
    14. Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority
    15. Bay Area Council
    16. East Bay Leadership Council
    17. Sunset Development
    18. Local Union 302 – IBEW
  5. Resource Documents
    1. Project Websites/Fact Sheets
      1. INNOVATE 680 Website
      2. INNOVATE 680 Infographic
    2. Maps/Figures
      1. Innovate 680 Corridor Location Map
      2. Innovate 680 Project Location Map – Featured Projects
      3. Shared Mobility Hub Map
      4. Express Lane Braided Ramp Figure
      5. Bay Area Global Gateways Map
      6. Innovate 680 Shapefile Map
      7. ETC Explorer Innovate 680-CCC DACs
      8. NB 680 Trips Ending in DACs
      9. NB 680 Trips Originating in DACs
      10. Megaregion Passenger Rail and Highways
      11. Infill OPR Site Check
      12. CARM Project Location Map
    3. Studies/Project Development Documents
      1. MTC Regional Plan Bay Area 2050
      2. Concord Reuse Project Area Plan
      3. Community-Based Transportation Plans
        1. Monument Corridor CBTP
        2. Downtown Martinez CBTP
      4. MTC 680 After Study
      5. Tri-Valley Hub Network Integration Study Final Report
      6. Northern California Megaregion Goods Movement Study
      7. Bay Area Express Lanes Network
      8. SMH Final Report
      9. CARM Concept Recommendation (Feasibility Study)
      10. CARM Environmental Document
      11. CARM Concept of Operations
      12. CARM Systems Engineering Management Plan
      13. Innovate 680 Concept of Operations
      14. Caltrans Innovation Team Master Cooperative Agreement
    4. Plans and Cost Estimates
      1. Shared Mobility Hubs
        1. Concept Plans
        2. Bollinger SMH Cost Estimate
        3. Martinez SMH Cost Estimate
        4. Walnut Creek SMH Cost Estimate
      2. CARM 1
        1. CARM 1 Plans
        2. CARM 1 Cost Estimates
        3. CARM 1 System Integration and Operations Estimate
        4. CARM 1 Project Risk Register
      3. CARM 3A
        1. CARM 3A Plans
        2. CARM 3A Cost Estimates
      4. Express Lane Completion
        1. 30% Plans
        2. Cost Estimate
    5. Other Resources
      1. Transportation Habits Survey
      2. Bay Area Council (2022) Economic Institute Report
      3. APTA (2020) Economic Impact of Public Transportation Investment
    6. Partners
      1. Key Regional Partners
        1. Metropolitan Transportation Commission
        2. California Department of Transportation
      2. Key Transit Operators
        1. County Connection
        2. Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority
        3. Bay Area Rapid Transit
      3. I-680 Jurisdictions
        1. City of Martinez
        2. City of Concord
        3. City of Walnut Creek
        4. City of San Ramon
    7. Links in Document
      1. 511 Contra Costa (CCTA’s Transportation Demand Management Program)
      2. Plan Bay Area 2050
      3. Climate Initiatives Program
      4. Lifeline Transportation Network
      5. Bishop Ranch Business Park
      6. Northern Waterfront Economic Development InitiativeTM
  6. Mega Data Plan
Illustration of smart city mobility showing connected cars, buses, and infrastructure with wireless signals, set against an urban and rural landscape background.